The series revolves around the daily life of a yellow monster named Henry Hugglemonster and his slightly anarchic and loving family, living in a village called Roarsville. Other places characters come from include Growlsberg and Growltown. Henry, the main character, has a best friend named Denzel Dugglemonster and a monsterette friend named Gertie Growlerstein, who he spends time with. Henry’s experiences with his family and friends often lead to problems, so Henry must use his problem-solving skills to try to find a way to solve the problems and conflicts he is presented with in his daily life. This gives him the opportunity to learn a valuable lesson every day. Every episode features one or more original songs.
3D TV SHOW produced by BrownBag Film for Disney Channel
3d rig artist : Fulvio D
animation, 3D, cartoon
comedy, adventure, family
Brown Bag Films
First Season in 2013
3D Rig Artist